Artist FAQs
- Common Withdrawal Q&A
- Promote your upcoming release using Songtradr Distribution Pre-sale / Pre-save option
- Why should I sign up to Songtradr?
- Are Songtradr licenses and services exclusive?
- Can I use Songtradr if my music is already distributed?
- Which streaming services does Songtradr distribute my music to?
- How can I choose the times for my release on Tik Tok?
- Change artist name(s) for active releases
- What are Neighbouring Rights?
- Priority Release, Scheduling & How to Promote a Release
- What can/cannot be edited on your completed Songtradr release?
- Can I include the producer name in my song title for distribution?
- How much will I make from a sync license?
- UPCs and ISRC codes
- Why can’t I find my song in Songtradr search?
- 'Creative Casing' rules for distribution
- What does it mean for a song to be 'fully-cleared'?
- What is a 'blanket license'?
- If I'm signed up to CDBaby and TuneCore, can I still use Songtradr?
- How much does Songtradr Pro cost?
- What is a 'composition'?
- How should I pitch my music?
- What information do I need to provide if I'm a songwriter?
- What is 'public domain'?
- Why should I upload Instrumentals and additional files?
- How do people search for my music?
- If I distribute/license a song through Songtradr will I still receive royalties?
- What is a 'Copyright', 'Writer' and/or 'Control' for song activation?
- What are 'ISRC' and 'ISWC codes'?
- Proper fade-ins or fade-outs for licensing