Songtradr has partnered exclusively with Jaxsta to provide a solution to artists and musicians in collecting missing revenue. The partnership will see Songtradr’s neighbouring rights identification with Jaxta’s credits metadata.
How can Songtradr help me with Jaxsta Neighbouring Rights?
After signing up to Songtradr, if you link your credits from Jaxsta, we can perform a check to see if you qualify for unclaimed royalty collection!
As it is a complex and highly-manual process, we will reach out to you with next steps for collection if you qualify.
Click here to get started with Jaxsta Pro and learn how to claim your Neighbouring Rights!
How do I connect Jaxsta with my Songtradr dashboard?
In the My Rights section of the Songtradr Artist dashboard, you will see all the information Songtradr received from Jaxsta.
We recommend you review each track and complete any missing information for best results. Once supplied, you may make a claim for each track.
We will initiate the process of determining if you qualify for the collection process.
Will Songtradr contact me about Jaxsta Neighbouring Rights?
Our dedicated Neighbouring Rights team will reach out via the credentials provided when signed up to Songtradr.
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