Go back to Completing Ownership Settings if you are:
Before uploading your music, click here to learn more about instrumentals and additional files.
- Login to your account
- Click Upload Music on the left navigation bar
- Check the box to agree to the Music Rights Terms and Conditions >
- Click Browse to locate and select audio files from your computer or drop files directly onto the upload window
- Your new files will load beneath the upload window. From here you can further organize the file as needed.
In order to:
- Categorize your file as a Main Mix, click Submit & Continue (if you only have an instrumental version of your song, this would be your Main Mix)
Attach your file to a Main Mix which is previously uploaded, select the version name e.g. Stems, and click Add to Existing Song
- A pop-up window will appear with your catalog. Select the desired song and click Add & Close or Add & Edit Song to begin entering song information.
Now that your files have uploaded, you will need to enter song information to clear your music for discovery in our licensing marketplace.
Please note: All required fields in the song information process must be completed before you can proceed to the next step.
This includes Recording, Copyright, Creative Metadata, Audio Files, Pricing and Approvals.
Upload Artwork and enter Recording and Master Ownership details such as:
- Song Title
- Recording Year
- Release Date
- Country of Origin
- Main, Featured or Contributing Artists
- Master (i.e. the recording) Ownership
- Visibility Options
Enter Lyrics and Copyright Ownership details such as:
- Copyright Title
- ISWC (if registered with a Publishing Rights Organization)
- Copyright Year
- Lyric Language
- Public Domain
- Copyright Ownership
- Lyrics
Creative Metadata
Choose Metadata to describe the song.
Examples include:
- Vocal Type
- Whether the song contains Explicit material
- Tempo
- Genre > Sub-Genre (you can select up to 3 Genres and 3 Sub-Genres per Genre)
- Mood
- Theme
- Featured Instrument, Era, Musical Key, In the Style Of
- Additional Keywords associated with your song
Audio Files
Upload Additional Audio Files such as Instrumentals and Clean Versions. These additional files will be connected to the Main Mix for easy file management and reference for buyers.
Click the Add Another Version link to upload an additional file to be attached to the Main Mix and use the dropdown to select the version type i.e. Instrumental, Clean Version, Stems etc.
Songtradr makes it easy to price your music using Custom parameters or the industry standardized Default Pricing (recommended).
- Select a Song Pricing setting from the dropdown
Click the View/Edit link for more information and to customize.
Click here to learn more about How to Price Your Music >
You can review Ownership Terms, Contracts, and Agreements from this page.
Important notes:
- Your song will not be discoverable in Songtradr’s licensing marketplace until all Ownership Information is filled out and approved by all rights owners.
- Increase your chances of getting your music discovered and licensed by including keywords, moods, and genres.
Next Step: Complete the required tax documents, payment methods and ID verification to process releases and withdrawals. Click here to get started.
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